Wednesday, January 06, 2010

One Bizarre Day

Never to be repeated. Even if I wanted it to.

Starting at 12am when I realised the buses might not be back to their normal schedule and had to check on Maxx. Then wandered through to the kitchen and saw the pile of tomato leaves I was going to turn into a batch of deadly aphidicide and promptly chopped and steeped them.

Then there was the cockroach incident mentioned in the previous post. Uuggh, I'll leave it at that.

Trust me to turn up to work by accident. So apparently I had got the day off (I had asked for it months ago, I might add, but I thought it hadn't been approved). There wasn't any work for me to do anyway so I just walked out again. (I think eveyone had a good laugh at my expense, oh well :-) And THAT was my easiest first day back at work ever!

Walked the "beach" way back to a suitable bus stop and passed by the ASB tennis court. There was security out and about and everything. Then I noticed the video rig, TVNZ sports presenter and a couple of people each decked out in a tennis uniform and accompanied by a raquet (I suppose, in retrospect, they may have been famous international tennis stars).

Got lured in to the Tai Ping Trading Co. and came away with: Durian wafers, seaweed peanut crackers, coconut jam and hot & spicy banana sauce. What can I say? It sounded interesting and I'm always willing to try new food.

Passed by the "Texan Art School" shop in downtown mall and couldn't resist a peek. I love pretty much everything therein; all the native birds and flowers. A bit pricey tho.

Too early to continue on the bus to Long Bay as planned so stopped in at home for an hour or so. Then didn't want to fork out for yet more bus fares just to go "round the corner" so I took a brisk walk in the fresh air. Then it came over all sunny and you know what they say about mad dogs and Englishmen? Well, I must be one of 'em. But I think I cooked my brain.

The party gathering under the trees was lovely [and I will just say here how much I love just getting together with a small bunch of people and spending time together -pity we have to wait til birthdays, although there are plenty of them it seems] but I seemed to get more and more heat-affected as the afternoon wore on, even tho. I chuggdback 3 bottles of water and tried to stay in shade as much as poss. (except for a quick walk up and down the beach -what can I say? I love walking and can't pass up an opportunity).

I stumbled inside and flaked on my bed with the doors open (creating the all important "through-flow-of-air"), my eye mask and yet more water and promptly fell asleep. Then awoke with a start remembering I'd left something cooking on the stove... Man, that could've been bad, instead I peered outside and was the parent's car in the drive and thought "Phew! they can deal with it". (It was for them anyway, I hasten to add). Next thing I know and Davs is doing his ducky dance on my roof to summon me for tea.

But no, the day was not yet over. I made up the anti-aphid spray and gave it a whirl. Mwahaha. And at ten-something pm I finally finished sewing up the skirt I'd been working on. Oh what a beautiful feeling.

Cockroach Attack

Was attacked by a cockroach at 0111 this morning...

Ok, so it only crawled across my face in bed... but still, Eewwww... AND I swiped it away before realising what I'd done Eewwwwwer! (Sarah, do you realise you just touched something the size, shape and clingingity of a cockroach? Yes!... on flicked the light, stopping it in it's dirty little tracks).

Yeah, it got the death treatment.