Thoughts I've collected...
Life's not fair. Once you can get over that you can handle anything that comes your way.
Never judge a book by it's cover. Trust me on that one and just never do that.
Good things take time. Yes, I like cheese but it's more than that; some things can't be rushed.
Practice makes better, not perfect. Perfect alliterates better but it's just not true.
Choose a short email address. You'll be surprised how often you need to write it.
Spices are the varieties of life. I have etymological evidence to back me up on this one: Varieties = Species = Spices
Never stop learning. If you do you might as well be dead... Or as Albert Einstein put it "The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and science. He to whom the emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand wrapped in awe, is as good as dead —his eyes are closed."
Listen more. That's why you have two ears and one mouth :-)
Better late than never... If it's worth having, it's worth waiting for.
Don't fear going on holiday and to the movies/shows/restaurants by yourself. You might find you can enjoy your own company.
You can't have your cake and eat it too. This is the entitlement mentality which only = immature.
The "easy way" is not always the easiest.
Let your theology define your music -not vice versa.
Don't pick your nose in public. Needs no further explanation.
Find a job you like and you too can be one of the few (also, you may never know how long you'll have it)
Stay in contact with family.
Humans are weird.
Don't begrudge others their happiness -instead rejoice with those who do rejoice.
No one can be right all the time. Be able to accept you may be wrong after all.
Purposefully cultivate good habits. You will be a better you -even if no one else knows.
Don't accept the whole of any one man's teaching. Unless it's in the Bible -it ain't gospel.
Try new things but don't be so open minded so as to part company with your brain (also inspired by Albert Einstein)
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