Saturday, September 15, 2012

No Longer Wise

I had my wisdon teeth removed at great expense to myself... Feeling remarkably chipper. The nurse said I wouldn't remember much post-op... but I do. I woke up to someone saying "no need to snore Sarah" and then "we're just going to take out the swabs" and I opened my eyes to see two big red worms being pulled out of my mouth. I feeling really good. Look a bit of a state but all I can find to complain about is numbness Which is great as numbness is kinda fun! (might have been "not quite with it" when I wrote that) Good Theo fulfilling his role. I have lovely parents taking care of me and preparing soft food for me. I recommend everyone get themselves a pair. Sorry if this is TMI... My mouth is pretty mingin' now (like warm raw meat). On the plus side, nobody has to smell it. But having my wisdom removed is new weird experience for me. For some reason Theo loves the smell of my mouth. hahaha Perfect brekkie for the day after parting ways with my wisdom teeth. Mmmm roasted vegies and chicken puree. The roasted veg was pureed as was the chicken and stuffing. (nothing will stop me eating chicken, lol, even if it was a little dry). Mauled my way through a fish bite... took all of 15 minutes. What's better than a cheery bunch of flowers? A cheery bunch of mini daffodils which can be planted in the garden to come up year after year! Thanks Catherine! A week later: I consider it quite an achievement to be able to eat a banana in only ten minutes (unlike the 15 it took yesterday). I guess I deserved this kind of week as a punishment for taking 4 days off last week. (but even so, can't wait for it to be over)


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