Lovely Lightning

There was a great vociferous thunder and lightening storm last night, Ezcellent stuff. It rolled in from the West around 10pm and proceeded to assult the house over the next two hours. I made us watch from our darkened lounge with the curtains wide open. Basically, we just sat around chatting about stuff with semi-regular violent interjections on my part.
When the tiredness got too much and my head started rolling off my shoulders of it's own accord I betook myself off to bed. Initially had some thoughts of sleeping but soon gave it up as a lost cause. Instead I made a tent with the curtain so I could watch the spectacle from the comfort of my toasty bed. It wasn't just your average sheet lightning. I finally saw an electrical snake zap low across the houses in yonder valley. Then a brilliant splattering of lemon radiating from the bolt, like a smashed fru-ju fruit.
And the thunder, oh the thunder. Some rolled on sooo long (yeah, alright all of ten seconds) and loud it rattled the pebbles in the shell on my dressing table. I put my hand to the plane and it was juddering like an earthquake (I'm not stupid, of course I'd never do that in a real earthquake!).
Due to the downpour an improptu creek formed from the rivulets running down the section and burbled past my back door. About now I dreaded running to the bus stop in another six hours and hoped it would clear up.
Then more of the same... Lightning, thunder, rain, Lightning, thunder, rain, rain, rain, lashings of rain. It never got old but by the end I suspect the lightning was having to force itself through the added layer of my eyelids aswell.
Overall it was pretty good, but still nothing beats the monsoon storm I experienced in India -that shook the bed (with me in it!).