October SMS Summary
25 sent by me (and at 20cents each that would be a grand total of oh about $5 {Ooo I'm a big spender, I am} excluding free text weekends).45 received -thats imense! I think it's a veritable record for me.
Rotting Head
Yup, I just tossed a rotting cruciferous head out of my fridge. I have no idea how it got in there.Who put it there? Certainly not IWhy was it even in there?When did it first take up residence down in the depths of the veggie "crisper"?Tis one of life's little mysteries.
September SMS Summary
43 sent by me (go the free text weekends) but that still only averages out to 1.5 texts per day.44 received.
Paradise Shelducklings

It was rather chilly but I still had lunch down by the river as I do every Monday. A male Paradise Shellduck stood sentinel winking at me through half closed eyes and struggling to keep balance on one cold leg as the wind buffeted. I wondered to myself if this was the Daddy of the brood of newborn ducklings I'd seen last week. It wasn't long before I witnessed a female Shellduck screeching away any other anatine creature that so much as dared to waddle along the opposite bank. Man, she was fierce! So naturally they had that section of the river to themselves. But where were the ducklings this time? I teetered off the path as went to investigate. Then I saw it... but why were the parents watching over an ordinary brown sleeping duck? Upon closer inspection I could perceive the individual striped bodies of nine little ducklings all huddled together. This observation cleared up a great mystery for me... Why do Paradise Shellducklings sport boldly brown and cream stripes whilst their Mother and Father are a mottle of glossy brown and green with white and black heads, respectively? Now I know... When all the ducklings huddle together they take on the size of a formidable waterfowl. Especially if the behaviour of their Mum is anything to go by!