Thursday, June 05, 2008

Castaway on th Sea of Uncertainty

So, there I am at the end of the jetty, figuratively sitting in my little dinghy. I've untied the rope and pushed off. My oars are the Spirit and the Word; I know they will bring me safe to my desired haven (which, at the present time, remains a mystery).

My fragile craft is pointed in the direction of Auckland, so, either I will get there eventually or the tide will turn and draw me back in to Christchurch or the the winds of change may yet dump me on some uncharted isle.

Yes, that's right, I have applied for a job in Auckland. An actual real live job this time. We'll see what happens. I feel nothing about it. It could be quite scary, but it just feels normal. Maybe what I've done just hasn't sunk in.

But I need not fear...

"He strengthens the hurricane to keep silent, so that the billows hold their peace" -Psalm 107:28 SPV (Sarah's Paraphrased Version)

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