Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Insect observations

Arborio rice bears a striking resemblace to maggots.

The fruit fly (Drosophila melanogaster) -faithful friend of geneticists, shares nearly 60% of human genes (that makes it 10% more human than a banana) although each cell contains only 13,601 genes, whereas human cells, by contrast, are thought to have more 70,000 genes.

Huhu grubs taste like freshly picked asparagus -to me anyway. Alot of people say they taste like peanuts, which is what I said of fresh-picked asparagus the very first time I tried it. I guess the connection would be that both plants taste quite earthy from having been grown in the ground whilst the grubs have fattened up on decaying wood matter and such like. Mmmm delicious.


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