Here is a nice, steaming-hot cup of peppermint tea, backlit by my lamp. Just the thing to warm the cockles of my 'eart. No! Wait, thats what I'm trying to cure... They say peppermint tea does wonders in setting to rights an angry stomach (and I'm going lay the blame for that one squarely on the shoulders of the pizza -I know, I know, pizza gets a bad rap in this department, but it tastes so good at the time and just invites more pieces of itself to join the pizza party down in the gut) and I'm about to put that to the test. And the tea is not the only thing that's steaming; I have my own personal little contrail momentarily hovering about me everywhere I go (my breath, that is). The other day I washed my icicle fingers in cold water and watched in amazement as the vapours emanated from them. It's gonna be a cold winter but I have my peppermint tea, at least for tonight.
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