Amazing Love
Do you ever wonder if God loves you too much? It never occured like this to me until just recently. To be honest, I had been feeling prickly and unloveable. Like nothing I did or didn't do ever mattered. God didn't really care. (LIES!!! all lies I tell ya). So, I did what I do when I'm at my wits end (why do I wait that long?) and there is no one to turn to. I simply asked God to show me how much He loved me. It wasn't that big a deal, and I kinda forgot about it. I wasn't sure I would know if I'd even got an answer.
But, yet, despite my intrinsic unloveliness and unfaithfulness, He IS faithful. The overwhelming theme of His revelation to me since then has been love: pure love, steadfast love, secure love, undeserved love, unconditional love (the list goes on).
And thus, it started with a song: Amazing love, how can it be, that You my king would die for me? This, I realise now, is just the modern version of my lifesong ("And can it be" by Charles Wesley written in 1728, which, for some reason, I adopted as my own when I was 13) which has the line "Amazing love! How can it be, That Thou, my God, shouldst die for me?"
Another song and then a poem, a verse, a picture of promise, even a birthday present from my dear wee brother, and yet more verses, all within the last two weeks.
And even tonight, I just so happened to be listening to some guy reading from 1 John 4:7-12 " one another for love is of God... this is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son as an atoning sacrifice... His love is made complete in us" while simultaneously reading on another website: "Today's Topic: The Love of God -God did not spare His own Son". Mere coincidence? I think not.
And later on this evening in reading, this jumped off the page: 1 John 4:10 -wait a minute, that was one of the same verses that guy was reading (ooo woo woo). You'd think Someone was trying to tell me something!
I asked, and it seems, I surely received.
It's staggering, quite overwhelming really. Now how am I to respond?
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