Monday, June 09, 2008

Curtain Coincidence

When I was in Auckland recently I happened to find myself in Auckland's favourite fabric store (Harveys) and after looking at all the blue fabric (for no other reason except it was blue) busied myself in the bargin bin (for no other reason except it was on sale and one just never knows what one might find).

About this time I remembered the lack of privacy in the place where I live due to the fact I don't have net curtains on two of the windows so I can't open the curtains and it's all dark and gloomy. Thus I began my search in earnest. Not just for two matching nets, but good priced and not hideously outdated ones.

Well, I found them (otherwise I wouldn't be writing this blog). The only matching nets were simple, elegant and in the correct size. I took them. Worked out to be 80% off.

What's more, when I got home I found to my surprise that they matched the only other net curtain already in my room. Now how bout that?



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